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New Year Resolution: Register in Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a Global Community

Published on January 27, 2024
New Year Resolution: Register in Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a Global Community

Image Credit to: Vatican News

Deacon Tom Cervone, Ph.D., Sister Maureen Houlihan, D.C., and Nicole Cervone-Gish, Ed. M.S.

Our Planet Earth

Author’s note: This worldwide website encourages, inspires, and informs citizens to act now, and to practice ecological principles in our journey “On Care for Our Common Home.”


Did you know that you can register in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) and announce your proposed action(s) to help our planet earth? This is a pro-active, and very much needed response that follows the seven goals of Pope Francis for his assigned seven commitment groups. They are:

  • Families
  • Dioceses
  • Schools
  • Universities/colleges
  • Hospitals/health care centers
  • Businesses/farms
  • Religious orders/provinces

For more information on registration, please go to info@laudatosiactionplatform.org where you’ll find help from a staff member. The Director of LSAP is John Mundell, P.E., L.P.G. located in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Step #1: Sign-up. A commitment group (one of the above) contacts LSAP and signs up. It’s free and easy!
Step #2: Write a Short Reflection. The commitment group writes a short reflection that commits to the LSAP. If you have a mission statement, that may help generate thoughts for your reflection.
Step #3: Write an Action Plan. Talking with others in the commitment group, an Action Plan is created that announces your intention to follow the seven platform goals of Pope Francis. The Plan can be simple or more complex depending upon the wishes of the commitment group. It simply needs to be something that is doable.
Step #4: Implementation. The last step is implementing the Action Plan, and at the end of each year, telling the LSAP how the commitment went from this year, and then plan for the next platform goal the following year.

The seven platform goals are:

  • Respond to the Cry of the Earth
  • Respond to the Cry of the Poor
  • Foster Ecological Economics
  • Adopt a Sustainable Lifestyle
  • Offer Ecological Education
  • Develop Ecological Spirituality
  • Community Engagement and Participatory Action.

What Can You Do?

Pray for Achieving Your Action - Each commitment group should think of reasonable ways they may address “each year” one of the Laudato Si’ goals. Then the next year, another goal. Slow but sure, improvements will be forthcoming.
Complete Actions that are Meaningful - In your efforts in registering, complete things that your commitment group feels are meaningful and will have a positive impact and give a good start in promoting and involving others in registering too.
Convey your Commitment Group’s Involvement in LSAP - It is important that you motivate others by your example and gain momentum for more people to implement improvements to help our planet earth. As we all get more people involved, more helpful actions will occur that make our planet a better place.
Talk to Leaders in Government and Other Commitment Groups - Through word of mouth, tell others what you are doing, and tell them they can register too. With them on board, even more improvements will happen. Registration is open to all children of God.

Quote: Scott Russell Sanders, Professor Emeritus in English from Indiana University (Bloomington) wrote a brilliant article in the Notre Dame Magazine . One paragraph from the above article is: “No amount of human effort can undo all the damage. We can’t mend every broken strand in the web of life. But we can mend some. We can stitch up tears in our local lands and waters, in our neighborhoods and communities, trusting that people elsewhere, everywhere, will do the same in their own home regions.”

Dr. Tom Cervone is a deacon and ecologist in the Evansville Diocese. He graduated from St. Bonaventure, a Franciscan University. Sister Maureen Houlihan D.C. is a member of the “Care of Earth” Committee - St. Louise Province of the Daughters of Charity USA and member of Seton Harvest Farm, a Community Supported Agriculture Farm that grows all natural produce for shareholders and the poor. Nicole Cervone-Gish, Ed. MS. is an English Language Learner teacher, who lives in Evansville, Indiana with her family, and teaches at Joshua Academy Charter School. Michael Cervone, BS. is a web developer and designer who lives in Evansville, Indiana.

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