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Simple Lifestyles Articles

Fall Color

#8.Fall Color

Published October 24, 2024
Simple Lifestyles

Did you know fall or autumn began on September 22, 2024 (Sunday) and goes through to the first winter day of December 21, 2024 (Saturday)? With the changing of leaf colors, we find ourselves immersed in a beautiful array of fall colors. The timing of leaf colors and the onset of falling leaves is primarily regulated by the calendar as nights get longer. But other environmental factors like temperature, rainfall, and food supply are important too. When nights grow longer and become cooler, biochemical processes begin in the leaf that destroy chlorophyll (a green pigment) and allow the yellow, orange, and brown pigments to show, while red and purple pigments are actually produced in some trees during the fall.

Climate Action Plans

#7.Climate Action Plans

Published August 26, 2024
Simple Lifestyles

Do you know if your country/state/city has a Climate Action Plan (CAP)? A CAP is a detailed document for measuring, planning, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an effort to solve climatic impacts . In June 2024, more than 20 federal agencies released updated CAP s, while Tracy Wholf reported since March 2024 in the United States, 45 states had CAP s. ClimateCheck said, Hundreds of cities across the United States are using CAPs to guide their climate change response by guiding government and community actions .

You Can Make All the Difference

#6.You Can Make All the Difference

Published May 25, 2024
Simple Lifestyles

Do you believe our planet is precious, and realize Earth is our only home? If so, we must be precious too including our ecosystems, plants, wildlife, land, water and air, which make our world extraordinarily splendid. Our feelings about who we are as a human race require that we approach nature with love, thankfulness, and dependency, and our intelligence forces us to change our way of life.

Living Smart

#5.Living Smart

Published September 22, 2023
Simple Lifestyles

Did you know July 2023 was hotter than any other month on record as felt by billions around the world? Throughout the country, Americans are now experiencing firsthand, the effects of climate change. To address this issue, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law by President Joe Biden on August 16, 2022. The National Aeronautics and Space Administrator Bill Nelson says, The science is clear. We must act now to protect our communities and planet; its the only one we have.

Ten Eco-Commandments for Earth Citizens

#4.Ten Eco-Commandments for Earth Citizens

Published June 30, 2023
Simple Lifestyles

For nearly three years, this column in The Message has consistently given good reasons to be less consumer- driven and more eco-friendly. It has promoted Laudato Si to all people and to all religions in the world, as requested by Pope Francis - including through his Ten Commandments for Climate Change (See What can we do section).

Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Restore

#3.Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Restore

Published February 17, 2023
Simple Lifestyles

There are simple and economic ways to live an environmentally sensitive and thoughtful lifestyle. For instance, we could rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle and restore. Applying these five Rs will reduce our carbon footprint, promote healthy environments, increase soil fertility, and improve Earths air, water, and land.

Sanctuaries in Nature

#2.Sanctuaries in Nature

Published December 17, 2021
Simple Lifestyles

A nature sanctuary is a protected area for animals, plants and natural communities. In Indiana, we have three National Wildlife Refuges Muscatatuck, Patoka River and Big Oaks. In Kentucky, there are two in our region Green River and Clarks River. Also, we have many other parks, preserves, and natural areas.

Pollution, Waste and a Throwaway Culture

#1.Pollution, Waste and a Throwaway Culture

Published January 22, 2021
Simple Lifestyles

Did you know air pollutants can cause health problems like cancer, and change the Earths climate too? For instance, greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide absorb heat, and increase air and ocean temperatures resulting in global warming. It is global warming warmer temperatures, melting glaciers, and increasing sea levels that causes climate change, which forces people and animals from their homes.

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